Debian update-rc.d missing default runlevel info or

Debian update-rc.d missing default runlevel info or Aug 03, 2014 update-rc.d – Limited Debian and Ubuntu use the service command to control services and update-rc.d for adding and removing services from start up. Using the service command we can start, stop, restart and display all available services. With update-rc.d we can add and remove services and add them to the Ubuntu/ Debian start up scripts. As Linux operating systems have multiple states, or runlevels, you need to … Update-rc.d - LQWiki

Comparison with other distros - Alpine Linux

Nov 09, 2013

Jun 29, 2004

Mar 23, 2018 · update-rc.d enable service-name. For instance, If you want to enable apache web server, you would run. update-rc.d enable apache2. To disable a service , run. update-rc.d disable service-name. For example. update-rc.d disable apache2. Nearly all Linux systems run on Systemd init From Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, and CentOS. May 03, 2017 · If you are using Debian or Ubuntu Linux use the following commands to ensure that the service remains enabled after a reboot: # rcconf OR $ sudo rcconf You can use command line tool update-rc.d: # update-rc.d cron defaults OR $ sudo update-rc.d cron defaults