Online Shopping Dangers to Avoid - Consumer Reports

Online shopping comes with its many dangers, and here are a few of them: The most important one that comes to mind is identity theft. Many of these sites ask you to input lot of personal information like your credit card information, your address, and more. Shopping Online: Convenience, Bargains, and a Few Scams Jun 24, 2019 Teaching Your Child the Dangers of Internet Shopping

Mar 19, 2020 · There are tons of online shopping sites where you can buy everything from plane tickets and flat-screen TVs to food, clothes, furniture, office supplies, movies, and lots more. While shopping online is convenient and fun, there are disadvantages of online shopping.

Shopping Online. The risks of shopping and online auctions. As with anything you do online, any time you provide details like your email address, shipping address, phone number and credit card information, your information becomes prey for cyber criminals. While shopping online, check for a lock symbol in the address bar on the websites like Amazon. This symbol indicates that a site is using a secure protocol for sharing information in an encrypted way. This way, anyone who is monitoring the customer traffic of the site, cannot see it. Customers’ personal information remains safe. Jun 09, 2020 · Online shopping is fun until you remember you need to pay for shipping, too. Retailers often entice you by offering free shipping if you spend over a certain amount of money. It sounds like a good deal, but this can result in you spending even more money as you add another item to meet the shipping minimum.

Mar 19, 2020

Sep 11, 2012 Online Shopping Dangers to Avoid - Consumer Reports Rip-off retailers, faulty merchandise, ID theft—last Christmas, online shoppers griped about those and other problems, according to the Plum Tree Group, an e-commerce consulting company, and What Should You Know About the Potential Risks of Online What Should You Know About the Potential Risks of Online Shopping? Identity Theft. One of the most common risks of online shopping is of identity theft . Criminals get hold of your personal information and then Credit Card Fraud. Adware & Malware. Fake Online Stores. Overpayment. What You Need to Know About Shopping Online During the Mar 20, 2020