If you’re having trouble accessing other computers or other networks, you can use the route command to make sure that a bad entry in the computer’s routing table isn’t the culprit. Besides displaying the routing table, the route command also lets you modify it by adding, deleting, or changing entries.

Using the Windows Route Command | ITGeared.com Oct 28, 2011 How to Add a Static TCP/IP Route to the Windows Routing Table Jul 03, 2017 Using the route Command - Networking Tutorial The Windows route command lists the table starting with the most general entry and works toward the most specific. The Unix/Linux version is the other way around: It starts with the most specific and works toward the more general.

To specify the interface in windows route command, you are supposed to use 'IF' Uppercase letters, not lowercase. Also, where you are specifying you want to add a route to a single IP, you need to use a subnet mask of The subnet mask of specifies a single host.

tracert command “tracert” in Windows stands for “Trace Route”. In Linux, the same command is “traceroute”. The command traces the path that a TCP/IP packet takes towards a destination target and shows some information (if available) of the routing nodes within this path. How to Add Route to TCP/IP Routing Table With Windows Dec 25, 2008

Specify route to an interface in Windows cmd - Server Fault

Add or remove persistent (static) routes in Microsoft Windows. Adding a static route to your Windows routing table is pretty easy. Just use an elevated command prompt (Run as administrator-where needed) and type the following example: route -p add metric 3 if 2. The “-p” argument is important if you want your route to be here when you reboot (persistent). Using the 'route print' Command in Windows 7 - Detailed The 'route print' Command from an Administrative Command Prompt in Windows 7 provides a variety of useful information. Let's take a look at the output of a 'route print' Command to examine how the output data is grouped and to understand its logic. How to Show and Display IP Routing Table in Windows or Dec 25, 2008 How to Use TRACERT to Troubleshoot TCP/IP Problems in Windows